Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A New Dawn

A bright sunny day
The beginning of a new dawn
Clouds drifting amongst the skies
Birds soaring high into the skies
The bristle of the leaves
The sweet smell of the flowers
The slight breeze kissing the face
A wide smile on the lips
The flutter of the eye lashes
The shyness within the eyes
The clinkling of the bangles
The tinkling of the anklets
The anxious heart awaiting the return
The surprised sight of the beloved
The slow steps changing to rushed sprints
The melodious laughter awaking the heart
The open arms eagerly awaiting the embrace
The sparkling eyes gazing deeply into each other
The warm hug fulfilling the souls
The content sigh escaping the lips
The hands entwined into each other
The slow steps with matching footsteps
The heads leaning against each other
The magnificent sun setting in the background
A perfect beginning into the new dawn!

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