Monday, February 25, 2013

Is defined by how you live it!
What inspires you?
What motivates you?
What gets you moving?
Where lies your passion?
What freezes you in your tracks?
What makes you perform the same mistakes again and again?
Do you catch yourself, when you see yourself falling off the wagon?
Do you love yourself, when you feel the void within you?
Where lies your power? Within you or outside of your reach?
Do you nourish yourself each and every day?
Good food, good people, good thoughts!
Small steps leading to larger goals!
Positive thoughts which lead to positive actions
The nurturing voice in your head which gives you reassurance
The gentleness with which you treat yourself
A determination which originates from within you
A never-ending passion which makes you feel alive
The wings of freedom attached to your shoulders
A sense of faith, trust and belonging
Seeing far beyond the 20/20 vision!
There is so much more to life than what you see!
Is defined by how you live it!

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