Thursday, May 31, 2012

The journey of friendship
Through good times and bad
The moments spent together
The pranks played on each other
The serious conversations which brought tears
The silent shoulders which stood strong against the storms
The cherished memories bringing a smile on your face
The unplanned experiences faced together
The gained learnings
The baggages that were left behind
The anticipation of the future which lies ahead
The petty fights which causes ripples
The small hurts that last longer than expected
The drift that causes pain in your heart
The journey of friendship seems to be coming to an end
Yet, life only has new beginnings
And change is constant
People, places and things constantly grow
Each and every moment brings a new rainbow
The star shines on you
The moon bathes you in its glow
The rain showers you in its flow
Life moves on and so do we
I move on and so do you.

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