Friday, March 22, 2013

Silence, all I feel is silence around me.
Yet, there is chaos and only chaos
Within me, surrounding me and consuming me
I am not sure from where my life beings
I am not sure where my life ends
I was always surrounded in the cocoon of your arms
Now, I am stripped and completely bare
Nothing makes sense to me
My heart is beating so fast
My eyes have not stopped their rain
I am being engulfed in my pain!
Slowly the light seems to fade away
My feet have begin to slow their steps
My soul is being slowly withering away
My heart is cracking each & every minute
My life seems to fade away
I dwell in the darkest of the night
With no sign of light
My faith is slowing fading 
My steps are wavering
The light within me has diminished
Leaving me in complete darkness!