Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The time has come
For us to say our final goodbyes
For the last 2 years we have always been together
In good times and bad
I can never forget what you have done for me
In my lonely days when I kept looking at you
Or during the times I purposely ignored you
All the scratches that I have given you
And all the times I have let you fall
U took it all with a wide smile
You stored my pictures
And my songs
And were there for me
In my boring times
I thank you for all your time
My dear friend
As you were my one and only Phone!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A story never told before!

Life - a story never told before,
Because it a a unique story
A story of each one of you
Mine is different than yours
And yours is different than theirs
Yet, we all feel
The pain, the pain, the suffering, the loneliness
The love, the peace, the kindness and the compassion

It is a story that we choose to write
Write with our very own hands
We might make the correct choices or the wrong ones
In the end it is our story
And only U and I can make it shine like the starts
Or Let it drown like the dark night
In the end it is what we do that matters
Whether we mend others hearts
Or break them into million pieces
It is life - a story never told before
Because it is a unique story
And we are the authors!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A story that just began...

Is that not what life is?
A story that just began
One thing comes to an end and another one just starting
You do not know when it will start and when it will end
You are not the creator of the situations
The situations just happen and are just meant to be
It is a cycle they say, the cycle of karma
All you have to do is to get through them
One after one

In some you move forward
In others you step back a few times
You fall down and you get up
Your patience is tested and so is your faith
Sometimes you give up and other times you charge ahead
In some you face your deepest fears
And battle your demons
In others you cherish the moments
In the now and forever
In the end
You realize that you have come out stronger than ever
Is that not what life is?
A story that just began!

A New Day...a New Beginning

One day at a time!
A new day, a new beginning
A new sky, a new sun
A rainbow waiting over the horizon

A smile, a hug and happy tears
A bit of courage and a bit of patience
Head held high while walking firm steps
Reaching out to the clouds with silver lining

A look behind and saying good-byes
To happy and sad moments with no regrets
A new day, a new beginning
A fresh new you!
Like a newly blossomed flower
A new sky, a new sun
A rainbow waiting over the horizon
Just for u!